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Search Accounts

How to call a list of user names from the Hive blockchain

Full, runnable src of Search Accounts can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/ruby (or download just this tutorial:

This tutorial will return account names matching the input given, up to a specified limit.

Also see:


  1. Making the api call - performing the lookup
    1. Example api call - make the call in code
    2. Example api call using script - using our tutorial script
    3. Example Output - output from a successful call
  2. To Run - Running the example.

Making the api call


To request the a list of accounts starting with a particular lookup pattern, we can use the lookup_accounts method:

api =

api.lookup_accounts(lower_bound_name, limit) do |accounts|
  puts accounts.join(' ')

Notice, the above example can request up to 1000 accounts as an array.

Example api call

If we want to get the accounts starting with “alice” …

api.lookup_accounts("alice", 10) do |content| ...

Example api call using script

And to do the same with our tutorial script, which has its own default limit of 10:

ruby search_accounts.rb alice

Example Output

From the example we get the following output from our script:

alice alice-22 alice-is alice-labardo alice-mikhaylova alice-n-chains alice-radster alice-sandra alice-thuigh alice-way

Example api call using script, with limit

And to do the same with our tutorial script, which has its own default limit of 10:

ruby search_accounts.rb bob 1

Example Output, with limit

From the example we get the following output from our script:


Final code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'


api =
lower_bound_name, limit = ARGV
limit = (limit || '10').to_i

api.lookup_accounts(lower_bound_name, limit) do |accounts|
  puts accounts.join(' ')

To Run

First, set up your workstation using the steps provided in Getting Started. Then you can create and execute the script (or clone from this repository):

git clone
cd devportal/tutorials/ruby/15_search_accounts
bundle install
ruby search_accounts.rb <lower-bound-name> [limit]