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RB: Convert HBD to Hive

How to convert your HBD to HIVE using Ruby.

Full, runnable src of Convert HBD to Hive can be downloaded as part of: tutorials/ruby (or download just this tutorial:

Also see:


  1. Making the api call - broadcasting the operation
    1. Example api call - make the call in code
    2. Example api call using script - using our tutorial script
    3. Example Output - output from a successful call
    4. Example Error - error output from a unsuccessful call
  2. Convert Fields - understanding the result
  3. To Run - Running the example.

Making the api call


To broadcast the operation, we can use a Radiator::Transaction instance:

tx =


Passing true to Radiator::Transaction#process will broadcast the operations queued in the operations array of the transaction.

Example api call

If we want to convert, for example:

tx.operations << {
  type: :convert,
  owner: owner,
  requestid: requestid,
  amount: amount

Example api call using script

And to do the same with our tutorial script:

ruby convert_hbd_to_hive.rb

Example Output

From the example we get the following output from our script:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "id": "e658349eeaa8e941fe232ee0aff0da7ecfadd726",
    "block_num": 44835272,
    "trx_num": 0,
    "expired": false
  "id": 10

The response we get after broadcasting the transaction gives us the transaction id (244a67b...), block number (44835272), and the transaction number of that block (0).

Example Error

If an invalid asset is given (e.g.: HBD is for mainnet; ‘TBD’ is for testnet), we will get back an error:

  "code": -32003,
  "message": "Assert Exception:false: Cannot parse asset symbol",
  "data": {
    "code": 10,
    "name": "assert_exception",
    "message": "Assert Exception",
    "stack": [
        "context": {
          "level": "error",
          "file": "condenser_api_legacy_asset.cpp",
          "line": 66,
          "method": "string_to_asset_num",
          "hostname": "",
          "timestamp": "2021-06-29T01:13:43"
        "format": "false: Cannot parse asset symbol",
        "data": {
        "context": {
          "level": "warn",
          "file": "condenser_api_legacy_asset.cpp",
          "line": 197,
          "method": "from_string",
          "hostname": "",
          "timestamp": "2021-06-29T01:13:43"
        "format": "",
        "data": {
          "from": "10.000 HBD"

This indicates that the convert was not included in the blockchain because it was given an invalid asset argument.

Convert Fields

Broadcasting a convert operation will require the following fields:

To Run

First, set up your workstation using the steps provided in Getting Started. Then you can create and execute the script (or clone from this repository) with the following arguments:

You can launch a local testnet, with port 8090 mapped locally to the docker container:

docker run -d -p 8090:8090 inertia/tintoy:latest

For details on running a local testnet, see: Setting Up a Testnet

git clone
cd devportal/tutorials/ruby/32_convert_hbd_to_hive
bundle install
ruby convert_hbd_to_hive.rb